A DIY desk organizer with toilet paper rolls is an easy way to fix the mess created by kids’ stationery.
Things you need
This Halloween decorate your home with these, not so creepy Halloween bats made with toilet paper rolls.
Things you need
Steps to make
A DIY phone holder is efficient, cheap, and eco-friendly. Here is how you can make one:
Things you need
Steps to make
If you are looking for an eco-friendly paper tube manufacturer, New Hampshire Paper Tube should be your one-stop destination. 98% of our raw material is recycled paper. From color tubes to spool and reel cores, we make all kinds of paper tubes.
We also provide custom paper tubes and cores, mailing, and textile tubes. You can call us at (603) 706-6255 or email us at office@nhpapertbe.com to know more. You can also fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you.